You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.1. Transactions - Job Transactions > Adding Materials to a Service Job > Add Items to Job - Text
Add Items to Job - Text

This option allows you to add or edit free text for a service job.

  1. Display the Add Items to Job screen.

Refer to "Adding Materials to a Service Job".

  1. Select TEXT.

Micronet closes the Add Items to Job screen and displays the Add Text screen.

For information on using this screen, refer to "Adding Text to a Service Job".


Technical Tip

By default, the Job Transaction Processing screen is set to EDIT | ITEM so you add or edit materials for a job (refer to "Adding Materials to a Service Job" ). When you select this menu option, the next time you display the Job Transaction Processing screen, EDIT | TEXT is selected. You can also add or edit labour for a job (refer to "Adding Labour to a Service Job").